Hi, I'm Aiman Lahmamsi

A passionate software engineer


Aiman Lahmamsi


Curiosity has always been the driving force behind my journey in technology. With a BS in Computer Engineering, I have built a strong foundation in both theory and practical application, exploring everything from system architecture to full-stack development. As a software engineer, I focus on creating innovative, scalable solutions that not only meet but exceed user expectations.

My passion extends beyond code. Traveling and experiencing new cultures has shaped my creative mindset, enhancing my ability to think outside the box and approach problems from fresh perspectives. These experiences continually inspire me to bring a global and adaptable approach to my work, ensuring that every project I tackle reflects a deep understanding of user needs and technology’s potential.

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Library Management System

LMS is a full stack web app that provides functionalities for managing books, borrowers, transactions, and user roles, offering a seamless experience for librarians and users.

Java Maven Spring Boot Spring Security MySQL React Bootstrap
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Link Shortener API

This project is a URL Shortener service developed with Spring Boot and Java 17. It features endpoints for creating shortened URLs and redirecting users to the original URLs.

Java Maven Spring Boot MySQL
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Object-following And Remote-Controlled Robot (IoT)

A robot that can follow objects using IR sensors and ultrasonic distance sensing or be controlled remotely via an IR remote.

C++ Arduino IDE Arduino Uno IR Sensors Ultrasonic Sensor DC Motors
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Brick Breaker Game

This is a simple Brick Breaker desktop game where the player controls a paddle to bounce a ball and break bricks. The goal is to clear all the bricks while avoiding losing the ball. The score increases with each brick broken, and the game ends when all bricks are cleared or the ball falls below the paddle.

Java Swing Library
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Recipe Finder Web App

A web app that helps you discover recipes based on selected ingredients. Users can create an account and add recipes to their favorite list.

HTML CSS JavaScript React.js APIs VScode Airtable
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Spring Boot

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